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About ENOR

Dr. James L. Thorne

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Dr. Thorn (at the back of picture) together with his group.

Dr. Hanne Røberg-Larsen

Dr. Jean-Marc Lobaccaro


Read more about Dr. Røberg-Larsen´s group here


Read more about Dr. Lobaccaro´s group here

The aim of the European Network on Oxysterols Research (ENOR), founded in 2010 by L. Iuliano and G. Lizard, is aimed at promoting interactions between research groups, to enroll young investigators in the field, and to stimulate novel research on the biological activities of oxysterols (and phytosterols) leading to pharmacological applications, and innovative therapies. ENOR is a self-promoting and self-sustaining organization, i.e. is not granted by national or EU government, which is opened to research groups worldwide. ENOR associates exchange ideas and share data during the annual meetings, and by conventional internet-based tools. ENOR has about 80 members, from Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, France, Germany, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Tunisia, USA and United Kingdom.


Founder: Gerard LIZARD, Ph.D. Université de Bourgogne INSERM, Directeur de l’Equipe d’Accueil Bio-PeroxIL (EA7270), Biochimie du peroxysome, inflammation et métabolisme lipidique, Faculté des Sciences Gabriel, 6, Bd Gabriel. 21000 Dijon France; phone: 03 80 39 62 56;Fax: 03 80 39 62 50; Cell: 06 88 94 06 27; Skype: gerardlizard;

Founder: Luigi IULIANO, M.D. Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnology, Vascular Biology & Mass Spectrometry Lab, corso della Republica 79. 04100 Latina. Italy; phone: +39 0773 1757231; fax: +39 06 62 29 1089; cell: +39 3406462332; skype: luigi_iuliano;

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